Closing the Gap: Reaching Canada’s 2030 Emissions Target
In a new report “Closing the Gap: Reaching Canada’s 2030 Emissions Target”, the NZAB advises the federal government on how the country can achieve its 2030 target, of a 40-45% reduction below 2005 levels.
Related Reports
Climate's Bottom Line: Carbon Budgeting and Canada’s 2035 Target
In a new report, “Climate’s Bottom Line: Carbon Budgeting and Canada’s 2035 Target”, the NZAB recommends developing a national carbon budget. Carbon budgets are used by other countries to better track the effect of policy decisions on the climate and the consequences of delaying action. Alongside the carbon budget, the NZAB recommends that Canada adopt a 2035 emissions target of 50-55% reduction below 2005 levels.
Compete and Succeed in a Net-Zero Future
We are pleased to present our first annual report, as mandated under the Canadian Net-Zero Emissions Accountability Act (CNZEAA). This report contains 25 pieces of advice on Canada’s transition to netzero emissions by 2050, to improve net-zero governance, to actively steer the economy towards a competitive net-zero future with a modern, effective net-zero industrial policy, and to build widespread momentum for pathways to a true net-zero energy system.